Controlling gossip – take control of your internal communication

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Information spread through informal channels can be distorted, and gossip and rumours can arise, even without intention. Negligence, the influence of personal opinions and emotions, message complexity, and information lost in conversation are just a few examples of factors that can compromise the proper delivery of corporate messages.

Set the narrative.

  • Don’t let corridor gossiping and rumours operate your company, take back control of the communications narrative with CHEQ.
  • Leave no room for misunderstanding, use video messages to talk to your colleagues personally.

Management communication, Hossip control. CHEQ.

Gossip is a main and frequent factor not only in private life but also in the life of an organisation. Whether it is an overheard fragment of a sentence, a guess or a fabrication, messages spread through informal channels are distorted beyond recognition. This may be due to inattention, the influence of personal opinions and emotions, the complexity of the subject matter, and information lost in the course of the speech, but most importantly, it compromises the proper delivery of corporate messages. Without strong and inclusive internal communication, employees tend to jump at the smallest crumbs of information, no matter where and who it comes from. Corporate gossip spreads at lightning speed.

Make internal communication primarily proactive, not reactive.

The amount of energy needed to refute a rumour is an order of magnitude larger than to deliver the correct news, so one of the best tools for rumour control is prevention. If communication is direct and consistent, there is much less chance of rumours spreading. A sudden change, a piece of news that contradicts previous information, is always a source of speculation. By clarifying the circumstances through a well-established channel of communication that is easily accessible to all, employees do not need to invent their own explanations. It also helps if colleagues can simply and discreetly put questions to the right people so they can quickly clarify their doubts. Employees can also use CHEQ to ask questions from the management anonymously, and management can send an immediate message to the people concerned.