
With CHEQ, you can enjoy the best of two worlds – the simplicity and intuitive usability of chat apps, equipped with state-of-the art HR and organization development expertise to connect, engage, manage your colleagues and more.

CONNECT to your colleagues

Bridge the communication gap between the management, office and deskless workers.

Send announcements

share news, updates, changes regularly with your employees

Enrich the message

with pictures, attachments, voice and video files easily with a wizard-based announcement editor, even in multiple languages in parallel

Configure the target group

send the message to all employees or a specific group of them

Message one-on-one

reach out privately or respond to an incoming message in a one-on-one conversation

Access on multiple platforms

employees can keep using their favorite chat platform, as CHEQ is available via Viber or MS Teams chats or as a native app on their private or company smartphone

Sending a corporate announcement via CHEQ.

… and more! There are endless opportunities to build new features on existing functions or develop brand new ones. Get in touch with us to learn about our latest developments and discuss your unique needs!

Visszahívást kérek

ENGAGE the entire organization

Build trust and increase employee engagement throughout the organization.

Chat live

custom questions of employees based on a subject or supporting function (e.g. HR, maintenance payroll, IT etc.) create live chat tickets in CHEQ, that enables lifecycle management, status handling and categorization

Pulse check & quick surveys

have your finger on the organization’s pulse by scheduling custom surveys, polls and pulse checks to all employees or selected groups with recorded or even anonymous answers.

Onboard your new colleagues

an easy and intuitive way by introducing administrative, operational and corporate processes, integrate trainings and test knowledge through CHEQ

Educate your workforce

by using mobile-optimized bite size e-learning for white- and blue-collar workers

Collect recommendations

through an employee referral chat flow that enables your colleagues to refer candidates in an easy way

… and more! There are endless opportunities to build new features on existing functions or develop brand new ones. Get in touch with us to learn about our latest developments and discuss your unique needs!

Visszahívást kérek

MANAGE your internal processes

Digitize your processes and automate admin tasks with a chat-based intranet.

Automated FAQ

automatically respond to pre-loaded frequently asked questions about any topic, like salary day, company holidays or more

Digitized HR administration

create forms and workflows, share shift schedules and send personal confidential information - e.g. payslips - to all of your colleagues at the same time with one click

Empower your colleagues

with a self-service knowledge and administration system accessible from the chat menu containing multiple types of content in text, pictures, videos, pdf and excel document formats, links, and a wide range of other attachments

Schedule communication

pre-plan your action items and save time by scheduling regular surveys and campaigns

Manage roles and rights

easily allocate user rights, manage administrator skills, create segment groups and integrate user lists or work scheduling

… and more! There are endless opportunities to build new features on existing functions or develop brand new ones. Get in touch with us to learn about our latest developments and discuss your unique needs!

Visszahívást kérek

MEASURE the result of your communication

Get live and regular data on the efficiency of your internal communication.

Snapshot of company culture

get an instant data-driven snapshot of your company culture according to certain topics

Live analytics

check the opening and reading rates of your announcements real time after sending them out

Survey results

follow reports live on the CHEQ analytics interface

Live chat tickets

analyze trends and follow-up changes through live chat ticket categories and statistics

Check progress

collect and compare the results of repeated surveys and have data-based input to observe changes within the organization

… and more! There are endless opportunities to build new features on existing functions or develop brand new ones. Get in touch with us to learn about our latest developments and discuss your unique needs!

Visszahívást kérek

SHAPE the system to your needs

Mix’n’match from our special features or create the functions you need.

Report emergency

streamline reporting processes and increase workplace safety with one-click emergency reports

Anonym reports

avoid future complications by providing a safe and anonymous way for your employees to report their concerns

Expense management

automate expense reports and processing and save time for both parties

Car sharing module

assist your employees with their commute to work in an environment-friendly way


embrace and support the interest of your colleagues with fun games such as sport events prediction games and more