Joining forces to improve internal communication

Ferling, Ispiro Conslting, Talk-A-Bot joining forces

Launched 13 years ago and constantly evolving with the changes of the Hungarian corporate communication culture, today Ispiro Consulting provides support for management decisions with more and more well-known and recognized expert competence – we talked to the managing director and senior partner of Ispiro Consulting Ltd. as the company signed a strategic alliance agreement with Talk-A-Bot

For both production and service companies, cooperation is crucial, and communication is the key to their success. It is the link between manager and subordinate, colleague and colleague, department and department. This is why it is surprising that so few organisations in Hungary deal consciously with their own internal communication on a strategic level. The stakes are high in our lives, and they are also influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic: poorly planned, outdated communication structures lead to interrupted information flows, which result in conflicts, i.e. in losses that can be measured in monetary terms. The partnership aimed at improving the internal communication of companies wants to change this.

“COVID-19 has shown more intensely and more relentlessly than ever how important it is for colleagues to understand each other and for communication tasks within the company to fall into place,” said László Mezriczky, Managing Director Ispiro Consulting, the member of the collaboration focusing on organisational competence.

By addressing the formal and informal communication space in the company as one, Ispiro Consulting has developed an analytical and developmental concept that helps the organisation to know itself, identify critical points and through this find efficient, streamlined, lean information exchange.

FERLING Ltd, a content consultancy in the partnership, focuses its agency practice on making effective communication tools and solutions a daily practice so that they are built into and embedded in the organisational culture.

“We are working to ensure that the values of a truly attractive corporate brand are not locked away in separate rooms and placed on separate shelves gathering dust, but are self-evident manifestations of daily routine,” says József Ferling, founding owner of the PR agency.

“Our internal communication tool for companies connects management with the employees of the organisation. CHEQ, which can be used on Viber, Teams and its native app on employees’ smartphones, offers easy and fast messaging, employee onboarding and instant measurement of communication. In addition to general messages, CHEQ can also be used to send encrypted documents to individuals, which helps to reduce the tasks and costs of HR departments in addition to effectively managing internal communication” said Ákos Deliága, CEO of Talk-A-Bot.

According to the experienced members of the partnership, with the right competence, tools and content, through a conscious and adequate internal communication culture campaigns, peak periods, transition situations and crisis situations can be managed well, in addition to everyday messages.